Tools I Use Everyday

Keeping Up with Online and in person Ministry could be overwhelming, here are the tools I use.

These are tested and used by my team and myself, if not daily, at least weekly.

Purchase of any item on this page for your use, creates a small commission for our ministry. It does not change any cost to you, but we get a small commission for recommending it. I never recommend anything that I don't use or approve of.

Product Creation/ PageWheel

Elaborate on the above benefit and keep it precise so that it makes a single line to match up with the design. Keep it small and simple.

Video Software / Zoom

Elaborate on the above benefit and keep it precise so that it makes a single line to match up with the design. Keep it small and simple.

Sales Cart / ThriveCart

Elaborate on the above benefit and keep it precise so that it makes a single line to match up with the design. Keep it small and simple.

Website Hosting / MomsWeb

Elaborate on the above benefit and keep it precise so that it makes a single line to match up with the design.

Social Media Coaching / Moolah Marketing

Elaborate on the above benefit and keep it precise so that it makes a single line to match up with the design.

Social medica Coaching / Molly Mahoney "Prepared Performer"

Elaborate on the above benefit and keep it precise so that it makes a single line to match up with the design.

Christian Speakers Bootcamp / Robyn Dykstra

You should check out Robyn's Facebook group Christian Speakers. she hosts a free training every Wednesday at 4:00pm (EST) To get a taste. She offers an 8-week course that will help you get started as a Christian Public Speaker. After graduation you are invited to join a long-term coaching group if you desire (not required).

Autoresponder / Active Campaign

Elaborate on the above benefit and keep it precise so that it makes a single line to match up with the design. Keep it small and simple.

Email Marketing / Liz Wilcox

Elaborate on the above benefit and keep it precise so that it makes a single line to match up with the design. Keep it small and simple.

Make some friends and a few memories.

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I unreservedly recommend PageWheel to use as a creative tool to produce, ebooks, workbooks, cheatsheets, journals and other resources. This great tool also provides delivery and collection if you choose to sell your creations.


This could be an attractive line about how a person will enjoy being a part of your team. Keep it short.


Read books, watch movies and eat out. 

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