Do you need a breakthrough?
Are you stuck in a rut – with your finances, family, work, health, or something else?
Are you looking for a breakthrough?
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you couldn’t take action on a problem because it felt to you bigger than life? Maybe, your New Year resolutions fall into this category. You have already given up because you feel like you have already lost.
Or maybe it’s finally finding your confidence to leave a bad relationship because of your fear.
I want to share a story I just heard.
A woman who felt stuck in a dead relationship for 10 years with a husband, she felt she could never leave because of finances. She finally worked up enough courage to pursue legal separation. Once they were separated legally she still lived in the same house with him.
Every day he reminded her of why she wasn’t capable, or able to make it on her own. Every day she believed him a little more. She felt so trapped and so defeated. Every day her confidence dwindled a little more.
She was so ingrained with these lies and terrified that she stayed… 10 years living like this!
Listen, I can relate to living in this kind of fear, uncertainty, insecurity and just plain ole lack of belief in myself.
That was one of the worst times in my life…On the other hand, that time and those experiences also led to the best times of my life.
And now I run a successful Christian Life Coaching company teaching men and women the same truths I learned, I give the same ministry I received.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. (Psalm 40:2)
Our life experiences help to form our belief system, it works like something like cause and effect. Because many of the experiences in our past are not positive, we develop unhealthy Godly thoughts. We form our life around these thoughts. Because we believe these thoughts are the truth, we act upon them. Or in the above case of the lady trapped in an unhealthy relationship, we don’t act because we believe that we are incapable or whatever the lie is telling us.
I am so thankful that I found the breakthrough. That the truth of God’s word penetrated the lies that I believed. That God’s true character and love melted the protective wall I had erected around myself. I was able to receive the truth and therefore make changes in my life.
It is for freedom Christ set us free. Galatians 5:1
I spent time in personal devotions, studying God’s word. I spent time in group Bible studies. I spent time attending church services. Eventually, I got ministry to help me sort out the lies I was believing. So many of them were deep within the core of who I was. I knew from my study that it was God’s will that I be free and whole.
The sad part of believing lies is that we think they are the truth. Do we not see any way out of whatever has us trapped because how do you get away from the truth? It is a vicious cycle.
I am here as a testimony that the truth of God can be found. Of the many things, I minister to people this is the one that is the hardest to obtain breakthrough on your own. How do you know you are believing a lie unless someone points out the lie?
If you have a strong relationship with the Lord and you can hear the Holy Spirit easily He will reveal the lie. However, those who are trapped usually have a barrier to hearing the Holy Spirit. They also struggle with connecting with the Lord on a deeper level again it’s that vicious cycle.
Breakthrough is available I suggest you connect with people who know the truth and live it. I suggest you connect with a group that is trustworthy enough to share your life with and they with you. I call these people our safe people. These are the special friends who want the best for you, God’s best. They love you enough to tell you when you are believing a lie. They are also confidential. They are not finger pointers, blamers or guilt producers.
Honestly, safe people or a safe group of intimate friends are hard to find, but they are worth the effort.
Another suggestion is that you study God’s word in relationship to what he says about who you are, what are His desires for His children, what is His plan for the world. Then compare your life to what you have learned.
I have some materials that may be of some help to you, all I need is your email address to deliver them to you.
“Who he says I am”
“27 Common beliefs, that are not correct”
Do not lose sight that he wants us free and whole as much or more than we want to be.
When I meet longtime acquaintances who knew me years ago, often comment, “You are so different. It’s like you are a different person”. I smile and say thank you.
Happiness shows, victory shows, love shows, peace shows, a breakthrough is worth it.
Blessings Cynthia
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