Getting An Answer for your Question

What does tapioca, pumpernickel, or pudding have to do with anything? Have you seen the commercial from the progressive insurance company?  It’s the one with Flo and the guy sidekick, Jamie as they approach a door to enter the “new” home quote explorer.  As they walk up to the door they notice it is closed.…

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Who are the captives? Why do they need to be set free?

Setting Captives Free If you are captive, you probably already know. You may not know where it came from or how to get out but you have a clue you are captive. However, there is a group of people who have no idea they are what I define as “captive.” Here is a short list…

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Are you stuck in a season?

  Below is a brief overview of the new book By Elizabeth Enlow, “God in Every Season”. You can find her book on Amazon or check out Elizabeth and her husband Johnny Enlow’s, website  Using the symbol of seasons Elizabeth reviews the season that we flow in and out of naturally as we live…

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