Roses in the Desert

Included in the post is an article shared on the Elijah List  (July 28, 2019) “How to Grow Roses in Your Desert” Kathie Walters, Macon, GA Is He Going to Kill Me? Have you ever been in a desert? I was once on a bus, going across the desert in Egypt. At about 1:30…

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The Problem with Praying for People who are Demonized

Praying for people There are many today who will attempt to pray over a person who is obviously in demonic bondage, but they don’t even consider the thought of casting out the demon spirit behind the bondage. Many wives pray over their husbands or children. Or vise versa. What is the usual result? The person…

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Christianity and Friendship

Christianity, Friendship and Women Friendships are a source of both joy and heartache, especially for women. Women have a greater need for friendships than men do. Our friendships run deeper.   Men like to “do things” with friends. Women want to “know things” about each other. We like to do things together too, like shopping,…

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